Established in 1929 by 99 women pilots, the members of The Ninety-Nines, Inc., International Organization of Women Pilots (over 6,000 worldwide) are represented in all areas of aviation today. And, to quote Amelia Earhart, we also fly “for the fun of it!” The Ninety-Nines promotes advancement of aviation through education, scholarships, and mutual support while honoring our unique history and sharing our passion for flight. For more information on the Ninety-Nines, visit their website at
The Scioto Valley Chapter is one of 15 Chapters in the North Central Section of The 99s. The section covers nine central states and has nearly 700 members. Founded in 1980, the Scioto Valley Chapter is located in central Ohio, and usually meets in Columbus.
We have one or two fly-outs each year and a number of projects: painting a compass rose at area airports, holding Right Seat Companion courses for frequent passengers, awarding at least one scholarship for primary or advanced training and check rides. At each meeting we have some kind of aviation-related program, in addition to a business meeting and general catching up on members’ recent flying, ratings, and achievements.
Chapter Meetings
The Scioto Valley chapter members meet on the second Wednesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. We typically have a holiday potluck dinner meeting at a member’s home in December and a restaurant dinner in March or April, when we honor our new scholarship recipient(s).
Next 2024 Meeting
Wednesday, June 12, 2024, Open House in the Village of Lockbourne. See details under Calendar.
Scioto Valley Chapter Officers (2022-2024)
Chair: Mary Biller
Vice-Chair: Christine Mortine
Secretary: Paula Rumbaugh
Treasurer: Jann Bowne
Immediate Past Chair: Vicki Evans